Our wallpaper estimates are FREE and can usually be scheduled within 1-2 days hroughout South Florida.

Yes, D&L wall design and painting corp is fully licensed and insured for the state of Florida

We’ve been providing wallpaper installation and painting services to residents and businesses in Miami and South Florida since 2005 over 8 years

We may need to go out to your project to give an onsite estimate if you have complex conditions. If you have a small standard bathroom or bedroom and can give measurements over the phone, we can send you a estimate without looking at the job.

The cost of wallpapers will vary, but here are a few things that will affect the cost of your wallpaper installation. There are many types of wallpaper – vinyl coated, coated fabric, paper or solid sheet backed vinyl and fabric backed vinyl. Each one has their own benefits and disadvantages and each type is better than others for some rooms. For example, vinyl coated paper is recommended for the bathroom and kitchen because it’s easy to clean and resists exposure to humidity and grease. Regardless of the type of wall covering you choose, it will dictate the installation method. If you’ve already chosen your wallpaper and are looking for a contractor to help you put it on your walls, make sure you tell us the type of wallpaper you have and pictures of the project including the wallpaper. If you need to have old wallpaper removed before installing new paper that will add to the cost of your installation. And how difficult it is to remove the old paper will affect how much that portion of the installation will cost.

Sizing or R35 is what is used to seal the wall. It also helps when you are ready to remove the wallpaper. It makes removal easy and prevents damage to the walls.

For residential measure in feet width x height, divide by 25. This will give you the amount of paper you need in single rolls. For commercial measure in feet width x height, divide by 12. This will give you the yardage. http://www.totalwallcovering.com

All wallpapers dry tight to the wall so that wallpaper installers need to prepare and smooth the wall as if they were preparing to paint. Some wallcoverings show more than others; metallics and light-colored papers will show more imperfections than heavy woven papers and colorful patterns. To have a nice looking wall, it’s important to repair any imperfections that you can see or feel on the surface of the wall before installation.

Yes, all wallpaper adhesive we use is a green product/low VOC and some are L.E.E.D. approved. The adhesives are either wheat, cellulose or clay based.

We always like to remove the existing paper when possible. If removing the old paper will damage the drywall integrity, we can prime the existing wallcovering, prep any uneveness and install over old wallpaper. But each project is different so we recommend to consult our estimator or installer for your specific project needs.

First select a few patterns/materials that you would like to install before we give you an estimate. This helps in our process to give you an accurate bid. After you have a paper selected, order the paper; when it arrives, we can schedule your installation.

$100 per Doble roll for typical rooms and bathrooms. $125 to $140 for kitchens and other complicated areas.For very expensive wall papers and unpasted wallpapers the price will be higher per roll.

$65.00 – 75.00 per single roll for normal removal. If there is alot of wall damage, there will be additional charges for repairs made to the walls. Normally I will be able to look at the area before I start and tell if there will be problems.
